A few people have asked, “What happened to the Felissimo pencils?”
About a year and a half ago, I wrote about an unusual offering of 500 colour pencils. (I learned about this set from Japanese pencil blogs.) I was soon contacted by the manufacturer, who were planning a global launch, and was offered a set of pencils in exchange for some modest publicity.
Felissimo had a very unusual sales model – 500 colour pencils for sale, but delivered in twenty monthly sets of twenty-five!
I wrote about the first few sets they sent me, and then – the New York based program was relocated to company headquarters in Japan. I was really surprised – it seemed like a complete success story to me. I believe these pencils gained more prominent US media coverage than any recent pencil offering of any type. (New York Times, Martha Stewart, and many others.)
Since then, there was a gap of several months, followed by some pencil sets arriving in fits and spurts. I don’t have any contacts at the company, and I’m not sure if I will receive all 500 pencils. I’ve not complained. Some of the original staff may have been laid off, so some perspective is called for.
I thought I would show just what happens when a monthly Felissimo set arrives.
First a cardboard box arrives via Japan Post EMS:
There is a cellophane wrapped interior box:
Sans cellophane:
An insert forms a guide to the pencils, if you can read Japanese:
The order in which the pencils are sent seems to vary, based on what I’ve read online. A small circled numeral seems to represent the box number:
This set seems to be dark blue and purple variations:
Slightly closer:
In an acrylic display:
I’m not sure where this is all leading, but I’ll show more if there is interest.
If the pencils don’t suffice, Felissimo just announced a 500 crayon set.