From Eberhard Faber comes a delightful extension to the familiar multiplication table pencil – a geometry pencil featuring basic formulas – the area of a triangle, the volume of a sphere, etc.
The pencil is seen posing on the book Geometry by Lang and Murrow.
My thanks to Gunther from Lexikaliker for sending me this pencil!
Where can I get one of these?
wow, wish I had these back in the days, would have made my exams much easier!!!
Along the same lines as Drew, is this a currently available pencil, or is it an old out of production model?
This is a brand new pencil – announced by press release in 2008. There is also a companion ruler pencil that I haven’t shown. Pencil products from the (current) Eberhard Faber company, which is owned by Staedtler, don’t seem to be exported. FIMO clay, on the other hand, is sold in several markets.
Wow. The font looks like Futura, which is reason enough for a second Wow.
This Futura? I wasn’t aware that this was such a distinguished pencil.
It seems to be sold in units of 72 in Germany, which is probably more than most of us want. Let’s hope someone decides to sell it online.
I also wish there were some nicely designed pencils that displayed some slightly more advanced math.
There is an advanced math pencil on the market. It`s the Eberhard Faber/EFA pencil No.1822 displaying Algebra, Exponents, Trigonometry and Right-angled Triangle formulas.
Just beautiful, and from Eberhard Faber.