Very tiny pencils

Very tiny pencils. They didn’t survive the post office treatment:

Very tiny pencils

For comparison, with a standard pencil:

Very tiny pencils

They aren’t novelty pencils – they have a 9 to 5 job, filling out customer surveys.

Only about 2mm in diameter, they appear to be constructed like a regular pencil. I’ve never previously seen one.

My thanks to Sean for sending these my way.

10 Replies to “Very tiny pencils”

  1. I remember my parents having some of these. Long, thin and breakable red pencils. I never understood their purpose. Perhaps they get clamped into a machine of some sort?

  2. My school was selling these when I was in the 4th grade I think. Turned out we needed them for some little project where we had to twist little squares of tissue paper around the flat end then glue it to the sheet of paper to make like a 3D picture thing. Worst things ever. The school was selling them for about 10 cents and this was back in ’82.

  3. I had also sent some to Matthias (that made it OK) and he said he’d be willing to get some to you in his next package. Don’t know what I was thinking…I should have taken into account your postman/postwoman’s fetish for chewing envelopes.

  4. I still have one of these (it’s red with no markings on it) that I remember getting in the mail sometime in the ’80s included with a form (either from a charity or someone selling something, can’t recall). I vaguely remember getting a few in the mail through the ’70s-’80s, but none since.

    I guess your experience with the post office explains why they don’t send them anymore.

  5. Hello, do you still have the tiny blue skinny pencils? I’ve been looking for these since I was a kid.


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