I just received a Draplin Design Co. Factory Floor Issue Longhand Set. It’s like an early Hallowe’en loot bag for stationery/design lovers.
The shop floor never looked so good. The set included:
Field Notes ruler
Field Notes sharpener
Field Notes notebooks
Draplindustries carpenter pencils
Draplin round pencil
Draplindustries ballpont pen
Draplin Sharpie
Draplin Mini-Sharpie
Draplin Calendar
Draplin Anvil decal

This was much more than I ordered. They threw in a number of these items as extras.
I don’t know how they did it, but they’ve got the retro industrial look down pat. With many touches of whimsy.
The fun doesn’t end there. The envelope in which this was delivered was addressed “Canada, eh!”, which someone at the post office found the need to manually annotate as “CANADA”.
There is something that just feels great about a talented designer taking on these “ordinary” items. I will definitely keep an eye on Draplin for their future projects.

Just the images take me back to my childhood in the 1960s, when my dad would bring home this or that bit of corporate stationary as a treat for me.
Draplin has done a great job recreating these older styles.